The Murray Lawnmower: 10 Causes It Won’t Turn Over

The last thing you want on a beautiful day when you finally have time to mow the grass is a mower that won’t start. This is a bad situation that may cause you to feel upset and confused.

Nobody else has it easier than you do right now. A large number of homeowners deal with this issue annually, and starting problems may affect even the most dependable lawn mowers. However, with a little bit of debugging, you should be able to fix most of these problems.

The following is a list of potential issues that might be stopping your Murray lawn mower from starting, along with solutions to those problems. Taking a step back and considering each of these possibilities can help you zero in on the real issue so you can repair it.

outdoorstip Murray Lawn Mower

No Gas in the Tank

There are times when the simplest solution is the best one. If you haven’t used your Murray lawn mower lately or have stored it for a long, the gasoline tank may be empty, which might prevent the engine from starting.

Look inside the gas tank or shake the mower to see if this is the problem. If it seems empty and there are no sloshing noises, it might be the problem with your mower.

Although filling up your mower’s gas tank may seem like a no-brainer, it’s crucial to use gas that is designed for your mower. Regular, unleaded gasoline with an octane value of 87 or above is recommended for use in most Murray lawn mowers. However, there may be varying needs between the various models.

If you want to know what kind of gas your mower needs, it’s best to check the handbook.

Empty Tank/Old Fuel

Running out of gas or using stale gasoline are two of the most common causes of a lawn mower not starting. Even seasoned gardeners might easily lose track of time and forget to check the gas tank.

Make sure the gas is clean if there’s a lot of it in the tank. Old gasoline may be less effective in starting your engine. Evaporation of volatile chemicals causes a less combustible residue, which may lead to problems starting the engine and reduced performance.

outdoorstip fuel tank of Murray Lawn Mower

If the gas in your mower’s tank has been sitting for more than a couple of months, it’s probably best to start again with new fuel.

Using a fuel stabilizer to keep gas fresher for longer and storing no more than you need for a single season will help you prevent this problem in the future.

Unclean or obstructed air filter

If your air filter is filthy, it will restrict the airflow that your engine requires to function properly.

Eventually, the filter will get completely clogged with dust and debris, making it impossible for any air to flow through at all. Poor engine performance, higher fuel consumption, and difficulty starting are all possible results of decreased airflow.

To check whether the air filter is the cause of the lawnmower’s refusal to start, you must first find and remove it.

The air filter has a plastic or metal housing and is often situated close to the carburetor or engine. If you don’t know where it is located on your specific model, look in the handbook.

Once discovered, the air filter should be removed gently for examination for dirt, debris, and other indicators of obstruction. If the air filter is obviously soiled or blocked, it has to be cleaned.

Foam filters should be washed in warm, soapy water, rinsed well, and dried fully in the air. Loose dirt particles may be dislodged from paper filters by giving them a little tap on a hard surface. It’s preferable to get new ones if the old ones are too worn out or unclean.

If you’ve washed the filter, you should let it dry fully before putting it back in your mower.

Maintaining a clean air filter is an easy way to extend the life of your engine and reduce the likelihood of starting problems. The air filter of your lawn mower should be inspected at least once every cutting season and cleaned or replaced as required.

A Problem With The Fuel Pump

Your Murray lawnmower may not start because of a defective gasoline pump.

The fuel pump is responsible for transferring gasoline from the tank to the carburetor at a constant rate, allowing the engine to run efficiently. If the fuel pump is broken, it won’t provide the right quantity of gas, and your mower won’t start or won’t operate well.

Here’s what you should do to figure out what’s wrong with your fuel pump:

  1. Find the gas tank’s fuel pump.
  2. Take your time dismantling the fuel pump and cutting the fuel lines.
  3. Look for damage or wear on the pump.
  4. Check the fuel pump’s pressure using a pressure gauge to see whether it is working properly.

A new fuel pump should fix the problem if your old one is broken or malfunctioning. Repairs should be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, and appropriate replacement components should be used.

Always use extreme care while diagnosing and fixing fuel system faults, since dealing with gasoline and other combustible liquids may be dangerous.

Stuck Fuel Filter

A clogged fuel filter is another potential cause of your Murray lawn mower not starting. The fuel filter removes any dirt, dust, or other impurities from the gas before it enters the engine. Over time, this gunk may build up and block the filter, cutting off gasoline to the engine and rendering it inoperable.

Find the filter and gently detach it from the fuel lines to see whether a clogged filter is the source of your starting problems. It’s important to be prepared for the possibility of gasoline spills by keeping a container nearby. Check the filter for obvious damage or clogging.

If the filter becomes soiled or clogged, you may clean it by blowing compressed air through it or tapping it on a hard surface in order to remove dirt and dust particles. However, since they are cheap and widely available, it is advised that a clogged gasoline filter be swapped out for a new one.

Make sure the gasoline filter is correctly connected when you replace it.

A crucial component of maintaining your Murray lawn mower is checking and, if necessary, changing the fuel filter. By doing so, you may make sure that your engine starts easily and effectively for many years to come.

Worn out spark plug

If your Murray lawn mower is having starting problems, a defective spark plug might be to blame. If the mower’s spark plug isn’t working, the engine won’t be able to burn gasoline, rendering the mower inoperable.

Find the spark plug on your mower (refer to the handbook if necessary) and unscrew it with a spark plug wrench for inspection.

Now that the spark plug is out of the mower, you can check it for any damage or wear that might be the source of the problem. A spark plug with a charred electrode or breaks in the insulator should be replaced immediately. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s time to get a new spark plug.

Keep in mind that replacing your spark plug once every mowing season will assure peak performance and avoid future hassles, even if there are no obvious problems with your existing spark plug.

Also, when checking your spark plug, pay attention to more than just obvious damage. Check for oil and soot deposits that might be hindering your lawn mower’s operation. A wire brush may be able to fix minor ignition problems caused by these deposits.

Carburetor Blockage or Grime

Another typical cause of a non-starting Murray lawnmower is a filthy or clogged carburetor. The carburetor’s primary function is to adjust the ratio of fuel to air for optimal combustion in the engine. If dirt and debris are allowed to accumulate in it, fuel flow is restricted and the vehicle has trouble starting.

Take the carburetor off your mower if you think it may be at fault. The next step is to use a carburetor cleaner on all the individual parts after carefully disassembling the carburetor. Be careful to clean out the tiny vents and jets, since here is where dirt, gum, and varnish may build and cause problems.

Check for signs of damage or wear on components like gaskets, seals, and diaphragms as you clean them. Before putting the carburetor back together, check each part for damage or wear and replace it if necessary.

Also, make sure the float needle and seat are in good working order; problems with flooding or fuel starvation might result from a needle that isn’t properly seated in the float.

Reassemble and replace the carburetor on your mower after giving it a thorough cleaning and inspection. Your Murray lawn mower will likely start with less effort and operate more smoothly once you’ve cleaned and adjusted the carburetor.

Carburetor maintenance requires handling small parts and perhaps dangerous chemicals. Wearing gloves and eye protection and working in a well-ventilated environment are two techniques to reduce exposure when conducting these jobs.

Battery Failure (Electric-Start Vehicles Only)

A weak or dead battery might be the cause of your Murray lawn mower not starting if it is electric-start.

Lawn mower batteries, like any other kind of battery, may lose their charge if they aren’t used for a while. Furthermore, even the most dependable batteries will ultimately fail.

You may use a multimeter to check the battery’s voltage and see if that’s the issue. The ideal voltage for a fully charged lawnmower battery is roughly 12 volts. A battery that registers less than 12 volts on a multimeter will need to be recharged.

Make sure there is no corrosion or loose connections at the terminals of your battery before trying a recharge. Before continuing, make sure any rust is removed and all connections are secure.

Then, charge the battery using a device designed for such purposes. If you want to keep your battery in good shape, be sure you never exceed the recommended charging time and amperage.

After recharging the battery, test it again with your multimeter. It may be time to replace the battery if the voltage is still below 12 volts or if it’s been more than two years since you last had to charge it and it’s starting to lose its charge.

Be sure you choose a battery that is designed to work with your particular model of Murray lawn mower.

Ignition switch failure

A faulty ignition switch is another possible cause of your Murray lawn mower not starting. In order for your lawnmower to start when you turn the key or flick the switch, this essential part must be in good working order.

A non-starting mower may be the result of a malfunctioning ignition switch that cuts off electricity to the engine.

Look for frayed or corroded wires connecting the ignition switch to the battery as a possible cause of the problem. If the ignition switch and the rest of the system seem to be in working order, you may check its continuity using a multimeter.

To begin, remove the wire harness from the rear of the switch. Then, place the multimeter’s ohms scale on the resistance setting. Connect the probes to the correct ports, then turn the key or switch to the “on” position. If there is no continuity, the ignition switch is probably broken and has to be replaced.

It takes some technical knowledge and some simple equipment to replace an ignition switch. To learn how to replace the ignition switch on your Murray lawn mower, see the handbook that came with your machine.

Recoil or starting rope damage

Last but not least, a broken starter rope or a malfunctioning recoil mechanism might prohibit you from starting your pull-start Murray lawn mower. The recoil mechanism’s springs might become brittle and eventually fail, and the rope can fray and break with time.

Check the rope for damage to see if it is the cause of the problem. Replace it as soon as possible if you see any fraying or other signs of wear that might compromise its performance.

If it doesn’t work, you may need to inspect the recoil system. If the recoil mechanism doesn’t work, the starting rope won’t have enough strain to effectively activate the engine.

Recoil mechanisms need disassembly of their housings for thorough inspection. Keep an eye on the springs since they may easily lose their flexibility and break. If the recoil mechanism has any damaged or worn out components, you should fix them or replace them.

The Nutshell

It’s annoying when your Murray lawn mower won’t turn on. Still, it’s usually possible to find and repair the problem on your own with a little bit of time, effort, and familiarity with fundamental troubleshooting techniques.

Inspecting these often overlooked areas can go a long way toward restoring your mower’s functionality and restoring your lawn’s pristine appearance.

Mowers are sophisticated devices with many moving parts that, when in good working order, perform as one. However, ignoring even a seemingly little problem with one component might eventually lead to far larger concerns.

Keeping your mower in top shape and avoiding future hassles requires constant vigilance and prompt attention to any problems that may emerge.