The John Deere lawn Mower Clicks But Refuses To Turn Over
When you try to start your mower, you only hear a clicking or humming sound.
Loose or corroded wiring and cables, a weak or poor battery, a broken ground, a failed beginning solenoid, or a faulty starter motor could all be to blame for a John Deere lawn mower that clicks but won’t turn over.
It is imperative that you observe all of the safety measures outlined in your John Deere operator’s manual. Put on safety equipment like goggles and gloves. If you aren’t confident in your electrical skills, it’s best to have a professional mechanic have a look.
Before working on the electrical system, make sure the negative (black) cable is disconnected from the battery.

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Because of This, Your John Deere Mower Clicks but Won’t Start or Turn Over
John Deere Mower Battery Problems Caused by Loose or Rusted Connections
Make sure the John Deere lawnmower’s wires and plugs are in good shape by checking them out. You must again check the connections between the battery and solenoid, as well as between the solenoid and the starter.
Look for signs of corrosion on the cables, wires, and terminals that could disrupt the circuit.
REMEDY: Fix or replace the damaged wiring or cables. A weak battery and inability to start are also symptoms of faulty cables.
To clean the mower, disconnect the battery and take out any corroded parts.
A solution of two cups of water and three heaping tablespoons of baking soda can be scrubbed into stubborn stains with a wire brush. Corroded wire should be fixed or replaced.
To prevent corrosion of the terminals and wiring, dielectric grease should be used. When terminals are worn out or broken, replace them.
A John Deere Lawnmower with a Weak or Dead Battery
Insufficient electricity from a dead battery prevents your John Deere from turning over and starting. When the battery voltage drops below a certain threshold, it should be charged.
You should get a new battery if you notice that the old one won’t retain a charge.
If the battery can be charged, but it still dies quickly, the charging system may need to be examined.
John Deere lawn mower batteries have specific voltages that should be checked.
Connect the red and black leads of the multimeter to the positive and negative terminals on the lawnmower’s battery. Typically, 12 volt batteries are used in riding and zero-turn mowers.
The range of possible voltage readings is 11.5-2.7. If the voltage reads 11.5V, the battery is nearly dead; if it reads 12.7V, it’s fully charged.
Recharge the battery on a John Deere mower
- Wear goggles and rubber gloves to protect your eyes and skin from acid and electrical current.
- In order to use the battery, you need to access the terminals. To get to the battery or battery case, you may need to unscrew the lawnmower’s body.
- Don’t disconnect the battery’s terminal connections just yet; leave it in its case.
- Make sure the red wire (the one with the plus sign on it) is connected to the positive terminal first, and the black cable (the one with the minus sign) is connected to the negative terminal on the battery.
- Do not let any part of the charging cords or clamps come into contact with your skin.
- Adjust the voltage and current output of the charger as needed. A lawnmower’s voltage is typically around 12 volts. Higher currents fill the battery more quickly. Ignite with 2 amps and work up to no more than 10 amps
- To ensure a full charge, leave the charger plugged in for as long as the indicator light is glowing.
A battery charger is the answer to a dead John Deere battery. If you discover that the battery is no longer holding a charge, you should get a new one.
If you have a chargeable battery and you keep finding it dead, there may be something wrong with your John Deere’s charging mechanism. Learn more about our pricing structure below.
Failure of the John Deere Lawnmower to Survive Poor Terrain
The black ground cable connecting the battery to the John Deere frame has to be inspected to guarantee it is establishing a good connection and is free of corrosion.
Verify the solenoid’s ground connection as well. A solenoid with only three posts grounds itself.
The issue can be fixed by switching out the faulty ground line. If there is rust on the battery or starter solenoid’s grounds, clean it off.
An Issue with a John Deere Lawnmower’s Starter Solenoid
If your lawn mower won’t start, a faulty solenoid could be to blame. As a toggle switch, the solenoid controls operation. The engine needs to be started, and this magnetic switch activates the starter.
Most solenoids are attached to the starter itself. It is not necessary for them to be, though. Find the solenoid by following the positive battery wire.
The solenoid that initiates the engine’s rotation on a John Deere tractor might fail for a variety of causes. It’s possible for the internal spring to weaken or for the copper plate to corrode over time. The starter solenoid may fail due to poor grounding, a weak starter, or a weak battery.
To solve the problem, you need check the solenoid that controls the starting. A volt-ohms meter, a screwdriver, a continuity lamp, and a set of wrenches will come in handy.
More about: “How to Tell Your Lawn Mower Solenoid is Bad“
John Deere Lawnmower Has a Faulty Starter Motor
If you’ve already verified that everything from the battery and cables to the wiring and ground to the starter solenoid is in proper working order, but you still can’t get your engine to turn over, the fault may lie in the starter. It’s possible to take out the starter and put it through its paces.
A lawnmower’s starter can be an expensive component. Before you go out and buy a new starter motor, it’s a good idea to get the diagnosis from your local dealership.
The starting can also be taken to a local repair shop that offers starter and alternator maintenance and replacement services. The service center staff can check the starter’s functionality and, if necessary, rebuild it.
Connected Ideas:
The John Deere battery drains due to a faulty charging system.
If your John Deere’s charging mechanism isn’t up to snuff, your battery won’t stay charged, and you won’t be able to start your mower.
It’s possible that, like a car’s alternator, your lawn mower’s will be housed outside. A second one might be hidden within, beneath the flywheel. Many models of John Deere lawn mowers feature an integrated generator.
Follow these instructions to test the charging system with a volt-ohm meter.
If you notice that your lawnmower’s battery is no longer being charged, you should have a professional who is knowledgeable with your charging system check it out and make any necessary repairs. It can be challenging to isolate the root cause of charging system problems.
You will probably just end up tossing parts at your mower if you are unfamiliar with the charging system.
Since electrical components cannot be returned if they are installed incorrectly, this can quickly become costly. In this case, it could be an issue with the stator/alternator, the regulator, or some other electrical component.
Does Your John Deere Mower Still Give You Trouble?
Over the course of owning a John Deere mower, you’re bound to run into a few different issues. Start-up issues, engine failure, vibration, uneven mowing, and inability to move are all possibilities.
I compiled a simple guide for diagnosing issues with your John Deere mower so you can figure out what’s causing the problems you’re experiencing.
More about: “Common John Deere Lawn Mower Problems and Solutions“.