How to Set the Pounds Per Square Foot Setting on the Scotts EdgeGuard Mini Spreader

Do you have questions regarding the Scotts EdgeGuard spreader setting? After purchasing this lawn spreader, most individuals have this misunderstanding. No matter what fertilizer you use, it is generally agreed that Scotts EdgeGuard’s best setting is 13.

But why not spend a few minutes on this detailed research chart if it’s about the Scotts EdgeGuard Mini Spreader settings pounds per square foot?

We have listed all of Scott’s spreader settings for you here. Scroll down the page to learn how to calibrate this device.

Scotts EdgeGuard Mini Spreader Settings Pounds Per Square Foot

The settings number may be influenced by a variety of factors. But specialists claim that we have arrived at this Scotts EdgeGuard Mini Spreader settings chart based on seeds and fertilizers. You can, however, examine all of the Scotts Edgeguard Spreader settings for various uses.

ProductWeightPer 1000 Square FeetSetting
Scotts Turf Builder Seed Sun & Shade Mix for Heavy Rate5 lbs9
Scotts Halts Crabgrass & Grassy Weed Preventer4 lbs3
Hulled Bermuda3 lbs3
Scotts DiseaseEx Lawn Fungicide (Heavy Rate)5 lbs4
Mixtures Including Coarse Seeds2 lbs6
Medium Orals Fertilizer5 lbs5
Fine Grain Fertilizer4 lbs5

For Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed Sun & Shade Mix (Heavy Rate)

Scott’s spreader parameters Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed Sun & Shade Mix should be applied at a rate of 5 lbs per 1000 sq ft, even though 2 lbs per 1000 sq ft is optimum. And regarding this fertilizer, the setting must be set to 9. Not more or less than 13 kph should be your target walking speed.

Even whether it moves more quickly or more slowly, the fertilizer won’t be distributed in the proper quantity. In this case, the spread width will be 5′. Although the Scotts EdgeGuard micro spreader may span a width greater than 5′, that width is regarded as the norm.

For Scotts Halts Grassy Weed Preventer and Crabgrass Preventer

The recommended setting for Scotts Halts Crabgrass & Grassy Weed Preventer is 3. You need to take 4 pounds of this fertilizer when applying it. You should think twice before leaping into a larger amount to account for waste and pace. Because it is simple to muddle the situation and get an unanticipated outcome. The speed and the width ought to stay constant.

For Hulled Bermuda

The option should be changed to 3 while using Hulled Bermuda. If you don’t want to waste the fertilizer, you can only use 3 lbs of it. The Scotts EdgeGuard tiny spreader, however, has the ability to prevent waste. Continue with this feature, and you won’t need to add fertilizer any more. The spread width and walking speed will both stay at 5′ and 13 kph, respectively.

Regarding Scotts Disease Former Lawn Fungicide

Your EdgeGuard Mini needs to be set at setting 4 for Scotts DiseaseEx Lawn Fungicide. You may use up to five pounds of the bag per 1,000 square feet. You need to replenish every a thousand square feet of fertilizer when pursuing a longer distance.

For Coarse Seeds Mixture

The initial need for this blend of gritty seeds is only 2 lbs. Target a space of your backyard is 1000 square feet with the setting set to 6. Continue to walk at a 13 kph pace. If you desire a correct distribution, you must maintain a specific tempo.

After each 1000 square feet of walking, we advise you to practice your speed. You can control your pace with its assistance. The width will not change, and the speed setting will stay at 3-5.

For Medium Orals Fertilizer

Setting 5 is required for medium orals fertilizer, and the first 1,000 square feet must receive 5 pounds of it. Despite the necessity to cover more space than these square feet, you shouldn’t worry. The proper ratio determines how accurate the distribution is. Please be aware that every 5000 square feet, you must refill the fertilizer.

For Grain Fertilizer

Set the dial to 5 while fertilizing grain with grain. For 1,000 square feet, of the product, just 4 pounds will be sufficient. For the subsequent thousand square feet, you can raise the setting.

This Video May Help in Calibration & Use

Questions and Answers (FAQs)

What setting on the EdgeGuard Mini should I use for fertilizer?

Change the setting initially at 3. Place five pounds of fertilizer over a 1000 square foot area. If there is fertilizer remains after this round, turn the dial to 4 and click stop. You may precisely provide fertilizer and avoid seed waste by according to these guidelines.

Why do the numbers on a Scotts EdgeGuard spreader signify what they do?

The Scotts EdgeGuard Mini’s distribution setting is indicated by numbers. They control how quickly or slowly your equipment operates and distributes. Therefore, always enter these values before starting the engine. If you don’t, you can have a major mess on your hands.

The Scotts EdgeGuard Mini needs to be calibrated.

It will be easier for you to calibrate the device and fertilizer if you are aware of the standard value for your EdgeGuard Mini. Scotts EdgeGuard has a 5000 square foot capacity. You can use a smaller how much fertilizer there is, say one-third of the bag, if you just have a tiny yard. Additionally, if you are using a spreader other than a Scotts spreader, the conversion chart for Scotts spreader settings may be useful.

Our comprehensive manual should make operating the spreader easier for you, regardless of whether you’ve ever one before. We hope you won’t draw any conclusions now that you are aware of the Scotts EdgeGuard Mini Spreader settings in pounds per square foot.

Just keep in mind not to use too much fertilizer. Additionally, avoid mowing a large lawn in one continuous motion.


Our comprehensive manual should make operating the spreader easier for you, regardless of whether you’ve ever one before. We hope you won’t draw any conclusions now that you are aware of the Scotts EdgeGuard Mini Spreader settings in pounds per square foot.

Just keep in mind not to use too much fertilizer. Additionally, avoid mowing a large lawn in one continuous motion.