No Click Start (Find & Repair) for Your Cub Cadet
Whenever you want to start your Cub Cadet riding mower or zero-turn and nothing happens, you should check the electrical components.
A faulty ignition switch, a dead battery, or both are the most typical reasons for this. However, the operator presence system’s safety features aren’t the only things that might prevent your mower from starting.
If you find yourself in a position where turning the key does nothing, I will go through the remaining things you should check.

If you’re still having trouble starting your Cub Cadet, check out these other articles:
- Even if you can hear some kind of clicking or buzzing, the mower just won’t turn on.
- The Real Reason Your Battery Keeps Dying
- Starter solenoid failure symptoms and diagnosis
Table of Contents
1. Battery failure or non-existence
At the outset, the most important items. Verify the battery life. The solenoid in the ignition system is powered by electricity drawn from the battery. Therefore, a multimeter check of the battery is the first step to do.
The voltage of a fully charged 12-volt battery should be 12.7 volts.
A dead battery may be charged in a handful of different methods. The most effective method is a gradual charge using a battery charger.
You can try to kickstart it using a vehicle battery, but that’s not your only option. After getting the mower started, you’ll need to keep it running so that it can keep charging the battery.
Battery Recharge:To charge your battery, use a battery charger. Put on safety goggles and gloves to prevent burns and electrical shocks before proceeding. Here’s how to use a charger for your riding mower’s battery:
- Get at the connections and batteries. A screwdriver may be required to access the battery. The battery is either below the seat or in the engine compartment. Don’t take the battery out of its case.
- Start by plugging in the positive connection to the battery charger. The plus-sign cable, or the red cable. Connect the cord to the terminal labeled “+” on the battery.
- Join the negative end of the cable to the battery’s negative post. The negative-sign cable, or black cable, is this.
- Do not risk electrocution by touching anything that has not been coated with rubber.
- Adjust the charger’s voltage and current to meet your needs. Most lawn mower batteries have 12 volts of power. Higher current speeds up the battery’s charging process.
- Two amps to start, and no more than seven to ten amps as you go. Charging at 2 amps is optimal, although it will take longer for the battery to reach full capacity. You’ll need to wait a day before you can mow the lawn again while it charges.
If you notice that your battery is no longer holding a charge, you should get a new one. Batteries for lawn mowers may be found at most any hardware or auto parts shop.
Bring your old battery since most businesses will charge you a battery core fee if you don’t.
2. Unsecured Wiring, Connections, and Cables
Your Cub Cadet may refuse to turn over if a cable, wire, or connector is slack. Make sure there is no corrosion on these parts or the terminals. Baking soda and water may be used to get rid of corrosion.
Check the ignition switch, safety switches, and control module, as well as the cabling that connects them to the battery.
Check for any signs of corrosion or damage to the cables and wires. They need to link up well with the parts.
3. Incorrect Method of Beginning
In order to get the engine started on a Cub Cadet, you have to follow a certain set of instructions. This is a precautionary measure to prevent the mower from starting up by mistake.
I have compiled a list of the most typical security functions found on lawn mowers. Incorrect placement of any of these parts will prevent the engine from starting. If that’s not the case, turning the key probably won’t do anything.
The Break Is Disengaged
Before you can start the engine, you need to apply the brake.
- Lawn tractors and riding mowers by Cub Cadet: Put your foot down on the brake. The brake may be a lever under the steering wheel if there isn’t a foot pedal.
- Zero-turn mower from Cub Cadet: Put your foot down on the brake. When the driving arms are extended, the brake may be applied if there is no foot pedal.
Abstaining from Seating
The mower won’t start until you’re seated in the driver’s seat. To activate the seat switch, sit with your weight evenly distributed and not too near to the front of the seat.
Active PTO
Turn off the power take-off (PTO). To activate the mower’s cutting blades, use this lever or knob. There are two types of paid time off:
- Electric PTO: The mower deck may be turned off by depressing a knob. When not in use, the mower won’t start. After starting the mower, pull up on the knob to engage the cutting deck and begin mowing the grass.
- Manual PTO: To activate the cutting deck, move the PTO lever forward. In order to start the mower, you must first move the PTO backwards into the “off” position.
4. Defective safety switch
There is an on/off switch for each of these safety features. These are the safety switches that will allow the mower to start if all conditions have been met.
The failure of a mower to start might be due to a faulty safety switch. Apply the multimeter test to the switch. The safety switch may be temporarily disabled, although this should only be done while troubleshooting.
If the switch passes its test, double check that the plate is creating a solid connection when activated.
Never mow the lawn without first flipping the safety switch. Never use a lawn mower with the safety switch removed. You never know when you may need the protection that a safety switch provides.
5. Ignition switch failure
If turning the key in your Cub Cadet mower doesn’t accomplish anything, the problem may lie in the ignition key switch.
While models’ key switches may differ somewhat, the following should apply to most.
- whether you suspect the ignition switch is broken, you may test it with a multimeter to see whether there is any continuity. Find the “B” and “S” prongs on the battery and the starter solenoid, respectively.
- Put the key in and spin it until you hear a click. One probe is touched to the B prong, while the other is placed on the S prong of the plug in order to measure the resistance.
- A good key switch for the ignition will have a resistance reading close to 0 ohms. If the resistance reading on your ignition key switch is infinite, you need to replace it.
6. Burning fuse
Your riding mower’s electrical components are safeguarded by a fuse. You should double-check that no fuses have blown.
A blown fuse may be tested by measuring the resistance between the probes of a multimeter placed on the fuse’s prongs. If the meter’s value is close to 0, the fuse is OK. A blown fuse will show up as infinite resistance.
A new fuse must be installed if a blown one is discovered. If you need to change a fuse, be sure you use a fuse of the same amperage. Please stick to the recommended amperage.
If the fuse keeps blowing, you should take your mower to a Cub Cadet dealer or repair shop so they can determine what’s causing it and fix it.