6 Reasons John Deere Mower Isn’t Getting Gas (Fixed!)
Gas is essential to your John Deere mower starting and running. It can get very frustrating when your mower isn’t getting gas and you can’t figure out why.
There are many reasons that can prevent your lawn mower from getting the gas you need. I’ll share the different items to check so you can isolate and fix your fuel problem.
A John Deere lawn mower isn’t getting gas because bad fuel has clogged your fuel system causing fuel restrictions in your filter, fuel lines, fuel pump, or carburetor.
Follow the safety procedures listed in your operator’s manual for your John Deere model.

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Follow all safety instructions provided in your equipment operator’s manual prior to diagnosing, repairing, or operating.Consult a professional if you don’t have the skills, or knowledge or are not in the condition to perform the repair safely.
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Reasons Why Your John Deere Mower is Not Getting Gas
Bad Fuel in Your John Deere Lawn Mower
When gasoline sits for long periods of time, the ethanol and moisture in the fuel will separate causing sticky deposits to form in the fuel system causing blockages and premature fuel component failures.
These blockages and failures will result in your John Deere not getting the gas it needs.
Read more about the right gas to use in your John Deere here. I further explain the effects of ethanol in your fuel in addition to helpful tips to store and stabilize your fuel.
You will run into the same fuel issues of moisture buildup and sediment clogging and corroding the fuel components if you are running a diesel-powered John Deere lawn mower.
FIX: Use a siphon to drain your fuel tank into a container to collect the old fuel. Make sure it is a container designed for gasoline because plastics can degrade quickly and leak fuel. Set aside the fuel to be taken to an authorized recycling center to be disposed of.
Refill your fuel tank with a gas including a fuel additive to stabilize your fuel. I use Sea Foam Motor Treatment in my lawn mower. There are many advantages including stabilizing fuel for up to two years and cleaning your fuel system.
Plugged Fuel Filter on Your John Deere Lawn Mower
The function of a fuel filter is to strain dirt and debris from entering your fuel system and your engine. It is best practice to replace your fuel filter annually when completing your routine John Deere service maintenance.
When the fuel filter isn’t changed regularly it can build up with dirt and no longer pass fuel through the filter.
FIX: Replace your fuel filter when you find it is plugged. Pay attention to the arrow on the plastic filter when replacing it. The new filter must be installed with the arrow pointing in the direction of your fuel flow.
Clogged Fuel Lines on Your John Deere Lawn Mower
The sticky deposits that form from running old fuel can get lodged in your fuel lines causing a blockage. A block in the fuel line will prevent your John Deere from getting the gas it needs.
To find the clog in a fuel line, you need to check each section to isolate the section of the hose with the problem.
FIX: Start and stop fuel flow using the fuel shut-off valve located at the bottom of your fuel tank. You can also use hose pinch-off pliers to clamp the line and stop the flow. Check each section of the hose by starting and stopping the flow to see if fuel is still running out of the hose.
Once you find a section of the hose that is clogged, remove the hose from your mower. Spray carburetor cleaner into the hose to help loosen the clog. Blow out the line with compressed air. Repeat until you dislodge the clog and open the line.
If you are unable to unclog the line or the fuel line is dry and cracked, it’s time to replace your fuel line.
Bad Fuel Pump on Your John Deere Lawn Mower
A John Deere lawn mower uses a fuel pump when the carburetor is positioned higher than the fuel tank. The pump is required to work against gravity to pump fuel up to the carburetor.
Most lawn mowers use a vacuum fuel pump. This style of pump builds pressure off the crankcase to pump fuel.
When the fuel pump cracks or fails to work correctly you will have to replace it. If you don’t see physical cracks or fuel leaking, you must take some troubleshooting steps to isolate the problem in your fuel pump.
FIX: Before you check your fuel pump, check to make sure you are getting fuel to the fuel pump. You may have completed this step already if you checked your fuel lines and filter for blockages, but if you didn’t, you need to start here.
Stop your fuel flow. Remove the fuel line off the inlet port of your fuel pump. Place the line in a container placed lower than the fuel tank and restart your fuel flow.
If you are getting fuel out of the line and into the container, you have confirmed you have flow. If not, you need to find the blockage that may be in your fuel lines or fuel filter.
Once you have confirmed fuel flow to the pump, reattach the fuel line to the inlet port. Remove the fuel line from the carburetor and place it in a container.
Check your pump is working correctly by starting your fuel flow and starting your mower. You should have a steady or pulsating flow of fuel coming out of the fuel line. If you do not, you need to replace your fuel pump.
Dirty Carburetor on Your John Deere Lawn Mower
A carburetor regulates the amount of air and fuel mixture needed to create a combustion in your engine. When the carburetor is dirty, clogging the small components inside your carburetor including the fuel jet, your John Deere isn’t able to get the air and fuel required to run.
FIX: First, identify if you need to take your carburetor apart to clean it. Do this by removing the air filter from the air filter housing. Spray carburetor cleaner into the air filter housing. Remove your air filter and spray carburetor cleaner into the air intake.
Start your engine to see if it will run. If your lawn mower starts and won’t continue to run, you will need to remove your carburetor and take it apart for cleaning. Check out this article for help with disassembling and cleaning the carburetor on your John Deere.
Plugged John Deere Mower Fuel Cap
The fuel cap is vented to allow air to flow through the cap. Without a vent, the fuel tank will act like a vacuum and not allow fuel to flow out of the fuel tank. When your John Deere can’t get fuel, your mower will not run.
You can try to isolate a cap issue by running your mower for a while with and without the fuel cap to see if the fuel issue goes away with the fuel cap off. Reinstall the fuel cap while continuing to allow the mower to run for a while to see if the fuel issue comes back with the cap installed.
FIX: I find it’s best to replace a fuel cap that has a clogged vent so it doesn’t keep presenting the same problem. However, you can try to clean and remove the clog.
In Summary
It’s important to take care of your fuel system to minimize clogging and damage to your fuel components and engine. To protect your fuel system, you must start out using the right kind of gas.
Adding a fuel additive to reduce moisture and stabilize your fuel will help minimize clogging in your John Deere.
Still Having Problems with Your John Deere Lawn Mower?
As a John Deere mower owner, you will encounter a variety of problems over the life of the mower. These can include problems with starting, dying while mowing, vibrating, cutting unevenly, and not moving.
To help you identify the reasons your mower is having problems, I put together a handy guide to help you troubleshoot your John Deere. Check out “Common John Deere Lawn Mower Problems and Solutions“.