Here Are 10 Causes Your Poulan Pro Chainsaw Gets Stuck or Loses Power
Your chainsaw won’t work as well if the engine doesn’t have enough power. If the problem isn’t found and fixed, it could also cause more damage.
When the engine doesn’t get the air, fuel, and spark it needs to burn, the Poulan Pro chainsaw slows down and loses power.
This can happen if the spark plug is dirty, the air filter is clogged, the spark arrestor is clogged, the fuel filter is clogged, the fuel lines are clogged, or the carburetor is dirty. Your carburetor could also need some work.
Before making repairs, you should take the safety precautions, such as removing the spark plug wire and waiting for all moving parts to stop.
Reasons a Poulan Pro Chainsaw Bogs Down & Loses Power:
- Air filter clogged up
- Clogged spark arrestor
- Plugged fuel filter
- Fuel line clogged or broken
- Old fuel
- Carburetor is dirty
- Fuel tank vent is plugged
- The carburetor needs to be fixed.
- Dirty spark plug
- Chain brake engaged

Follow all of the safety instructions in the equipment’s operator’s manual before you try to diagnose, fix, or use it.Talk to a professional if you don’t know how to do the repair safely or don’t have the skills or knowledge to do it.
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This Is Why Your Poulan Pro Chainsaw Becomes Clogged And Loses Power.
1. Plugged the Poulan Pro Chainsaw’s Air Filter In.
The air filter is a part of your chainsaw that needs to be maintained. The filter keeps dirt and sawdust from getting pulled into the engine, which would cause it to wear out and break.
When you use your chainsaw, you make things dirty. If the filter isn’t cleaned often enough, dirt can build up and make it so that not enough air can flow through it.
If the engine doesn’t get enough air, it will lose power. If this happens, you may need to check the filter. If necessary, clean it or get a new one.
Never use a chainsaw that doesn’t have an air filter. This can cause a lot of damage to the engine.
How to clean a Poulan Pro air filter made of FLEECE:
- Close the choke to keep dirt from getting into the carburetor choke while cleaning the air filter housing and taking out the filter.
- Take off the cover of the air filter.
- Remove any dust and dirt from the area around the air filter.
- Take out the filter.
- If the filter is very dirty, wash it with a solution of mild dish soap and water, then rinse it from the inside out until the water runs clear.
- Let the filter dry out all the way in the air. DO NOT heat the filter, because that can hurt it. Oil SHOULD NOT be put on the filter.
- Put the clean filter back in.
- If the old air filter is very dirty or broken, buy and install a new one.
- Put the cover back on.
If your chainsaw has a different kind of filter, check the operator’s manual to find out how to clean it.
2. Poulan Pro Chainsaw Clogged Spark Arrestor
As a safety measure, most Poulan Pro chainsaws come with a spark arrestor screen. The screen is connected to the muffler to stop hot exhaust from shooting out of the muffler.
When carbon builds up on the screen, the Poulan Pro chainsaw may lose power to the point where it won’t run at full RPMs. This is because the engine can’t get enough air out of it.
This screen needs to be checked and cleaned often to keep dirt from building up. To do this, first remove the wire from the spark plug and let the muffler cool down.
Carefully take off the screen that stops sparks. Use a metal brush to clean it. If the screen is broken or has holes, you should replace it with a new one.
After putting in a new or clean spark arrestor, put the engine exhaust cover and engine cover back on. If you are done with all the repairs and maintenance, put the spark plug wire back on.
3. Your Poulan Pro Chainsaw Is Using Old Gas.
When the engine isn’t getting enough fuel, your Poulan Pro will start to lose power. This could be caused by a fuel filter that is clogged, a clogged fuel line, or a dirty carburetor.
Most of the time, fuel is limited because it gets old and leaves varnish in its place, which clogs up fuel passageways.
Start by making sure there is enough fuel and that it is fresh. If it’s old, put fresh gas in it. Here, you can find out more about the fuel you should use in your Poulan Pro chainsaw.
4. A Poulan Pro Chainsaw’s Fuel Filter Was Clogged.
Attached to the fuel line is a small cylinder-shaped part that keeps dirt and other things from getting into the fuel system. You can find this fuel filter inside the fuel tank.
If you don’t change the fuel filter often enough or if you use dirty fuel, it can get clogged up and stop enough fuel from going through the filter.
If this happens, the Poulan Pro chainsaw will lose power. If the air filter is clogged, you should get a new one.
5. A Poulan Pro chainsaw’s Fuel Line Is Clogged Or Has A Hole In It.
If you let old fuel sit in the chainsaw for a long time, it will probably leave varnish and other sticky deposits that clog the fuel line. This can slow the flow of fuel.
When you find a clog in the fuel line, you can remove the fuel line and clean it with carburetor cleaner to get rid of the clog.
To get rid of the blockage, spray the carburetor cleaner into the line. Then blow pressurized air through it to get rid of the blockage.
Spraying the cleaner and blowing compressed air through the line until the blockage is gone. If you find that the line is dry or cracked, you should get a new one.
Another thing to check for is a fuel line that has been broken. If a line is broken, air can get into the fuel system. When the right amount of fuel and air is no longer mixed in the cylinder, adding air to it can make your Poulan Pro lose power.
6. A Poulan Pro Chainsaw Has A Dirty Carburetor
The carburetor mixes air and fuel in the right amounts for your Poulan Pro chainsaw to start and keep running.
The chainsaw may stop running if the passageways get clogged or if the small parts don’t work right.
A Poulan Pro carburetor will often stop working because of old fuel. You might be able to get your carburetor to work again if you clean or rebuild it. If this doesn’t work, you will have to get a new carburetor.
7. A Poulan Pro Chainsaw’s Fuel Tank Vent Is Blocked.
A Poulan Pro chainsaw’s fuel tank needs to be able to vent so that air can get into the tank as fuel is used.
When the tank can’t vent, pressure builds up and a vacuum forms, which keeps fuel from leaving the tank and going to the carburetor.
Find the fuel vent on your Poulan Pro chainsaw and change it if it’s blocked. Depending on what kind of chainsaw you have, the vent might be in the fuel cap.
It could be a small part at the top of the gas tank that is hard to get to.
8. A Poulan Pro Chainsaw’s Carburetor Needs To Be Fixed.
To change the RPMs at idle and at full throttle, the carburetor may need to be adjusted. On the carburetor, there are adjustment screws that can be used to make these changes.
“L” means “low speed” and “H” means “high speed” on the screws. Let the chainsaw run at a slow speed while you turn the “L” low-speed screw clockwise and counterclockwise to find the “sweet spot” where the chainsaw runs smoothly but not too slowly.
Next, adjust the “H” high-speed so that at full throttle, the RPMs are smooth. Don’t make too many changes or let the RPMs go up too much, or you’ll hurt the engine.
There are some limits to how much you can change the carburetor on a Poulan Pro. If the carburetor is giving you trouble, take your chainsaw to a Poulan Pro dealer in your area.
Your dealer may only be able to make adjustments to the carburetor because they need a special tool.
9. A Poulan Pro chainsaw’s Spark Plug Is Dirty
A spark is needed to start the combustion of the fuel and air in the cylinder so that the chainsaw can keep running. When the Poulan Pro chainsaw doesn’t get a consistent spark, it will slow down and lose power.
The spark plug is a part that needs to be fixed. It needs to be changed often. For casual use, I think you should replace it once a year.
But if you use your chainsaw a lot, you may need to change the plug every three months to make sure it works well.
Over time, the spark plug will get dirty, which will make the spark go out and cause the engine to lose power. Take out the spark plug and look at the end of it. You can try to clean it with a wire brush if it is dirty but not very dark.
If the spark plug is very dark in color, the porcelain is broken, or the electrode is burned, you should get a new one.
Make sure the spark plug gap is right before you put in a new one. Install the plug and make sure the spark plug wire is attached well. If the chainsaw has the wrong gap or a loose wire, it can slow down and lose power.
10. The Chain Brake On A Poulan Pro Chainsaw Is On.
The chain brake is a plastic handle that sits in front of the chainsaw’s regular handle. This is a safety feature that protects the person using the saw when it kicks back.
When the chain brake is on, the chainsaw will lose power and slow down. Make sure the chain brake is turned off by checking it.