Five Carnivorous Plants That Consume Fruit Flies: Did You Know These?

What are the fruits flies-eating plants? In our minds’ eye, carnivorous plants are typically pictured as venus flytraps or pitcher plants that hide in the shadows of bogs and swamps, waiting to pounce on unaware fruit flies, insects, or tiny frogs.

Despite the fact that there are other species of carnivorous plants besides these ambush predators, some species take the adage “eat or be eaten” to a whole new level by devouring fruit flies.

Think of a time when you noticed fruit flies flying around your house and were unsure of how to get rid of them. In that situation, unusual yet interesting animals called carnivorous plants can assist in getting rid of those bothersome fruit flies without the usage of harmful substances or insecticides.

Continue reading to discover more about these fascinating plants and how they use magic to capture and eat their prey.

5 Plants That Eat Fruit Flies

Carnivorous Plants
Carnivorous Plants

In this post, we’ll examine five stunning carnivorous plants that are renowned for getting rid of fruit flies from gardens and homes.

  1. Venus flytraps (Dionaea muscipula),
  2. Pitcher plants (Sarracenia sp.),
  3. Sundews (Drosera sp.),
  4. Butterworts (Pinguicula sp.)
  5. Cephalotus follicularis

Each has a wide range of species and grows in various environments. But they all share the capacity to capture and consume insects, including those bothersome fruit flies. The process is as follows:

  1. The traps: These plants catch unwary insects in their leaves or blossoms.
  2. Digestive juices: Once captured, nsects are digested gradually by plant cell-secreted enzymes; certain species also release feeding their traps with digestive acids to hasten the breakdown of prey.
  3. Nutrients: Plant tissues receive nutrients from insect bodies, which are then used to power photosynthesis.
  4. Respiration: Respiration happens within, whereas digesting happens outside the body.
  5. Moving on up:  If there is not enough sunlight, certain organisms can move up. Sundews and butterworts are examples of flypaper traps that become active when insects land on them. Pitchers initially hold fluid before sealing off to prevent the prey from escaping.

Overall, despite their unsettling appearance, these plants play a crucial role in our environment by feeding bugs that wouldn’t otherwise have access to food.

1.Venus Flytraps (Dionaea muscipula)

Carnivorous Plants
Carnivorous Plants

Venus flytraps are little amphibians that are discovered in bogs and wetlands in North and South Carolina. They catch insects, spiders, and even small frogs.

The plant’s leaves have complicated ridge patterns and sensitive hairs that act as insect traps.

These leaves snap shut when they come into touch. Some venus flytrap species actually drown their prey instead of eating it, while others use the process of photosynthesis to collect feeding on the victims’ nourishment and store them in underground bulbs.

Most flytraps have a maximum height of 12 inches (30 cm). Although some botanists consider Venus flytraps to be annuals, they can actually live for many years. They can also generate seeds or flowers, but since blossoms don’t always result in offspring, it’s more typical for a new plant to emerge from an old one.

Growing Tips For Venus Flytraps

Tropical perennials known as venus flytraps can be grown eithera minimum of one leaf in each piece, into two or more parts indoors or outside. They need soil with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5 as well as direct, bright sunlight. Simply cut the rhizome (the bulb-like stem) of an existing plant into two or more pieces, each with at least one leaf, and transplant them in new soil to create new Venus fungus gnats.

2. Pitcher Plants (Sarracenia sp.)

Carnivorous Plants
Carnivorous Plants

Fruit fly trapping plants in pitchers, often nown as the North American venus flytrap, catch its prey in a trap that is coated with tiny hairs that detect movement. A reaction occurs when an insect brushes across these hairs, forcing leaves to collapse and create a sizable pool of water.

Any bug that is trapped inside and is unable to leave drowns before being slowly broken down by enzymes in its watery grave. According to Carnivorous Plants: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology author David Taylor, pitcher plants are noteworthy since they don’t require to be pollinated by insects supply nourishment.

Insects receive all they require, including the proteins they need for development and procreation. He claims that they eat animal products all day long. You start to question whether there is actual plant blood.

Tips For Growing Pitcher Plants

Since sarracenia is a temperate perennial, the winter is when they go dormant. In U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 11, they can be grown outdoors, although they are simple to begin with seeds and grow inside all year.

For about two weeks until germination, lant seeds atop a wet mixture of peat moss and sand or perlite and set them in a window that receives indirect sunlight.

3. Sundews (Drosera sp.)

Carnivorous Plants
Carnivorous Plants

The sundew’s native habitats are Tasmania, New Zealand, and Australia. These tiny plants can be kept inside or on a porch outside, although they favor low light conditions and survive in jars or tiny containers despite their colorful blossoms.

Sundews are simple to grow; all you need to do is pierce a tiny hole in the lid of a jar (to permit drainage of water) and place it in indirect sunlight. Your plant should be kept damp but not drenched; rocks at the base of the container will aid with drainage.

Place some fruit flies next to your plant as you follow your small carnivore gently consumes them. Small chunks of meat or fish can also be fed to your sundew if there aren’t any fruit flies nearby.

Growing Tips for Sundews

One of the many types of plants that eat animals, or those that obtain their nourishment from small animals or insects, are the sundew plants used by fruit flies. The best approach to begin cultivating your own sundew is to buy a little plant at the nursery or garden center closest to you.

The best place to keep sundews indoors is on a porch or in a window where it’s sunny may get some sun without getting burned. Sundews enjoy warm temperatures and indirect sunlight. Additionally, they enjoy humidity, so make sure to mist them frequently.

4.Butterworts (Pinguicula sp.)

Carnivorous Plants
Carnivorous Plants

Although butterworts are known to devour mosquitoes, fruit flies are the more likely target of their lethal wrath. Small hairs and glands that release a milky substance that lures insects line the butterwort leaves.

These leaves attract hungry insects, but they can’t get off because of the leaves’ sticky surface. In order to destroy its prey painlessly, butterwort’s digestive tract secretes an enzyme.

Growing Tips For Butterworts

Give it plenty of sunlight and water if you want to produce your own domestic butterwort. Additionally, it’s crucial to avoid overwatering your plants because they dislike standing in water or maintained nearby moist. They always require some space for drainage.

5. Cephalotus follicularis

Carnivorous Plants
Carnivorous Plants

The Cephalotus follicularis is a Pitcher Plant, even if it may appear to be an alien fungus. Fruit flies that mistake its liquid-filled pitchers for food or water dropping into the pitcher and are then trapped, broken down, and digested by an enzyme that is present in the pitchers.

Advice For Growing Cephalotus follicularis

Cephalotus follicularis thrives in warm to moderate climates and soils rich in nutrients, in contrast to many carnivorous plants that prefer to grow in acidic soil with a lot of minerals.

Questions And Answers (FAQs)

How can fruit flies be kept off plants?

n ripe produce, cereals, and legumes, fruit flies lay their eggs, which ultimately develop into maggots. Using plants that consume house flies, pesticides, insecticides, or even handmade traps, you can get rid of fruit flies.

How are fruit bugs kept at bay?

Fruit flies can be killed and kept away in a variety of ways, but one of the more unusual ones uses fragrances. Just use smells to repel them. You can also use plants that are carnivorous and consume fruit flies.

Eat fruit flies venus flytraps?

Yes, fruit flies can be eaten by venus fly traps. Fruit flies have a pleasant flavor that draws them to land on venus flytrap leaves, and they are small enough to fit in its tiny mouth. When they do, they plunge into its pool of digestive fluid and quickly suffocate. It’s vital to remember not all venus fly traps are the same can eat fruit flies because some may be unable to break down their hard exoskeleton or wings.

Are plants a draw for fruit flies?

Fruit flies are drawn to certain compounds that some plants generate. They are located on a wide range of species, including pitcher plants and Venus flytraps. For the purpose of obtaining nutrients from animal remains, both varieties of plants have developed distinctive strategies for capturing their prey.


It can be entertaining and rewarding to grow able-bodied carnivorous plants also consume fruit flies as a pastime. There are many diverse exotic kinds available, and with careful preparation, you may cultivate some very remarkable specimens.

If you appreciate gardening or natural science, It is worth your time effort to learn sustaining these carnivores.

You’ll have some extremely intriguing discussion pieces for your home, if nothing else. However, be careful—if you give if there were enough flies or bugs, they may start attacking YOU!